HELP! My wig is knotting up
HELP! My wig knots up!

It’s a common thing we hear from wig wearers across the board. Wigs in general knot up. Why and what can I do about it?
Here’s why. When you purchase a high-end wig you presume that the wig won’t experience knotting. Actually the exact opposite is true. Why is that? A good quality wig is made of 100% virgin European hair. Since virgin hair has its cuticles intact the cuticles will interact with each other and cause knotting. Usually you will see this at the nape where there is more friction. In the winter more knotting is more common because of the scarves and sweaters that rub against the hair on the neck. Here are tips to try when your wig is knotting: If you are more careful about the friction by your neck the knotting will be easier to manage. There are other tips to make the wig even more manageable. 1) Use a silicon based product on the nape hair. A spray will work best. The silicon gives the hair a silkiness which helps the hair glide more easily which gets rid of friction. 2) If you blow-dry the hair at the nape with extra attention the heat will realign the cuticles in a downward direction to reduce further friction, you can also flat iron the hair if your wig is styled straight. 3) Make sure to brush out the knotted hair every single night. 4) Be careful when wearing sweaters and scarves 5) Speak to the company if you are experiencing these issues. Often there is a simple treatment or solution that can help these issues. Many find that as they wear the wig, the knotting at the nape reduced. As Freeda used to say “the hair learned to live with each other”. With time and some technique your wig will be knot free and you will wear it with pleasure. Our salon is a good resource for issues like this and we welcome all calls and questions.