Conditioning Your Wigs- DIY Masks for Luxurious Hair
Our European Wigs give a pleasant shock to those who experience them the first time. While many expect the tresses on a wig to feel wiggy, stiff or a poor imitation of real hair, our European wigs are the opposite. European hair feels luxurious to the touch, like the friends whose hair you envy or the hair you always wished for, that is European hair, the kind Freeda wigs are made of. |

We’ve boasted about our wigs quality over and over again, and for good reason, European wigs are the highest grade wigs that exist, you simply can’t get better. European wigs will act like hair will, which means sometimes the elements like sun, humidity or dye might cause your wig to need a pick me up.
Here are three tried and true DIY hair masks that will nourish, and liven up your wig’s locks and give your hair sheen and luster.
These masks are easy to make, simple ingredients and likely items you already have. Best of all these masks are chemical free!
Coconut Oil and Honey Mask

Let’s talk about the properties of the two ingredients and why they are good for the hair.
Coconut oil is a powerhouse of vitamins and antioxidants. The coconut oil will moisturize and condition the hair; it will soften and smooth the cuticles (which are intact on European hair). It will tame any frizz and will offer protection against split ends.
Honey is rich in vitamins and minerals. It will soften the hair and lock moisture into dry locks.
2 tsp of honey
1 tbsp of coconut oil
The ingredients will mix best when warm, you can each place a bowl into hot water to warm or place in the microwave from 15 seconds.
Stir together until you create a paste.
Spray wig until it is damp
Using your fingers, spread small amounts on the bottom ends of the hair, leaving the two inches at the root untouched. (The reason for this is that the oil will loosen the knots and glue which will compromise the longevity of the wig).
Leave mixture on for 30-60 minutes, then rinse off.
Egg Yolk and Olive Oil Mask
Eggs are rich in protein and loaded with b-vitamins. This will help strengthen the follicles and lubricate dry damaged hair. It will also leave your locks feeling silky.
Olive oil has been used to nourish hair since times of old. Rich in vitamin E, olive oil with strengthen the strands and help prevent breakage and split ends.
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp olive oil
Whisk the ingredients together until frothy. Using your fingers, spread small amounts on the bottom ends of the hair, leaving the two inches at the root untouched. Cover wig with a plastic wrap or shower cap, leave on for 30-60 minutes. Rinse the hair very well then do a final rinsing with shampoo when mask is fully rinsed.
IMPORTANT: Rinse hair with cold to tepid water only.
Avocado and Banana Mask
We love this mask because it smells so nice and what better way to use the bananas that are about to go bad? Avocado contains vitamins A, E, D and B. The natural oils in avocado nourish and moisturize the hair leaving it soft and revitalized.
The banana is full of vitamins, potassium, and antioxidants. This will help with the hairs natural elasticity to prevent hair breakage and split ends.
1/2 avocado
2 bananas
Add ingredients to a blender and pulse until mixture has no lumps. It is important that there are no lumps as it is difficult to remove from the hair. Using your fingers, spread small amounts on the bottom ends of the hair, leaving the two inches at the root untouched. Cover wig with a plastic wrap or shower cap, leave on for 30-60 minutes. Rinse the hair very well there is no need to rinse with a shampoo once the mixture is entirely removed from the hair.
You can use these masks every 4-5 washings, or whenever you feel your wig needs a pick me up.